Ice quake film wiki
Ice quake film wiki

ice quake film wiki

But I want to say that despite all the bad things, it was still enjoyable and used far less CGI than typically seen in a SyFy film. I could make lots of complaints about this film (and will shortly). They seem to be moving, and if not stopped could cause great peril for the families on Christmas. Geysers of ice are erupting in Alaska near the city of Fairbanks. Even fans of these low rent disaster flicks should avoid it. The CGI effects are horrendous beyond belief and there's something mind-numbingly repetitive in the way the same incidents befall the same characters over and over again. The entire narrative consists of repetitive scenes of people trying to flee when the ground splits and cracks open to emit clouds of boiling methane. The characters are underwritten to the point of non-existence and there's way too much crying and screaming going on. There's not one distinguished cast member here, just a bunch of no-name actors giving boring performances. So far so ordinary for the SyFy Channel, but this one is exceptionally poor compared to most of their movies in this sub-genre. Inevitably, a scientist and his family happen to be caught up in the natural disaster and must fight to survive nature's onslaught.

Ice quake film wiki movie#

ICE QUAKE is an extraordinarily poor SyFy Channel disaster movie that sees a river of liquid methane causing the very landscape to split and shift in Alaska. Overall, Ice Quake has its moments but it is nothing great. The direction and pace are both uneven, there are times when the direction is tolerable but others when it is sloppy and hackneyed and in regards to the pace the middle drags and the end feels rushed, while the script is really quite poor and clichéd. The effects are rather generic, the film does have some dodgy flashlight technology and while it is not as bad as other Syfy movies there are many inconsistencies and errors, the one regarding the methane is just one of these. The acting, excepting the leads, is nothing to rave about, and I also couldn't connect to most of the characters, so much so towards the end I honestly didn't really care about whether they lived or died. However, Ice Quake isn't particularly good either. The scenery is quite striking, the story was interesting in concept and to start with, Brendan Fehr is cute, charming and does show at least a bit of charisma and the female didn't grate on me or strike me as too bland. Ice Quake isn't a terrible movie and Syfy have certainly done much worse. While I do not like most of Syfy's movies, I do watch them to see if there are any decent ones or any with novelty value.

Ice quake film wiki